Friday, January 22, 2010

Neck Conditions Why Is My Siamese Cat Scrathing His Neck So Much?

Why is my siamese cat scrathing his neck so much? - neck conditions

OK, here's the deal: I have a Siamese cat who ever scratched his head. This condition occurred there about 2 years old when he began to scratch, so he cut his throat. There was blood everywhere. I took him to the vet and the vet put a cone on it. We have on antibiotics and steroids and cat food special.

Well, he scratches his back 2 years later. It does not chip and the vet can not understand what is wrong with him. It is still in its prescription cat food. I have a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner, a special air filter for my furnace and air conditioning. Not once, outside or around other animals were. Ideas?


Wintergi... said...

It may be a kind of skin allergies. But at this stage it may be a nervous habit he had so long done. I tried again a veterinarian. Maybe someone has better ideas again, for later if it still working 2 years, so anything you do not recommend your vet about. Keep nails cut again so is too much damage to the neck. Poor cat!

Marie said...

the fleas had Dou

Truth Hurts said...

You can give allergic to cat food. Try something else for him in 2 weeks. It could be anything, but, catnip treated, fabric softener ... Hope this helps.

EDG said...

Maybe he is bored and acting neurotic? If you play a lot with him? Giving attention? Could be alone and play another cat? Sometimes stop to this kind of behavior that will require such a thing as animal behavior, "Kitty valium look" for a few weeks to see if calm the animal. They are not washed or put a flea treatment, as he is allergic? Are you cut your nails regularly? Do you have a lot of scratching, Kitty Toys condo?

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