Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Long Term Disability Claims I Filed My California Long Term Disability Insurance Claim 40 Days Too Late And It Was Denied. Can You Help?

I filed my California long term disability insurance claim 40 days too late and it was denied. Can you help? - long term disability claims

Am I covered for a policy of short-term disability through my employer. Before my disability, I asked my HR department that I had to do. I was told that my policy is automatically started in the short term, and is all you have to do is fill out the forms if they are sent to me. I filled the paperwork and received confirmation that my confidence was taken in the short term. Approximately 1 month after my disability, I have received a reduced salary. When I asked at work said I should have for disability and long-term disability in the late request. Since then, I sought long-term disability, but was rejected because I apply to more than 40 days after the first day of incapacity. I know I can call. Has anyone been through this and that his application was accepted? Did you do something unusual to attract his calling?


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